Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars?

Terry Melanson

Webmaster/editor of Conspiracy Archive; author of Perfectibilists: the 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati.

119 Responses

  1. Peter says:

    “Truth is truth and historical truth goes by evidence it doesn’t go by emotion”

    No one, I mean no one can deny the facts and effects of the world wars we have experienced and still witnessing right to the doorstep.

    For instance, look at the post-9/11 world scenarios, these can never be a coincidence. I think if someone like William Guy Carr provided a clear explanation as to why these events affecting our lives are sharping up to this point, it is not something to just wave aside and render it as though it’s nothing or false.

    Do you think whoever or proponents behind the way our world have been carefully moulded into are following no scripts, or would readily made available these scripts for public consumption? Not when they have hijack and contol the mainstream media, rewriting history and covering their own tracks through their controlled publishing house.

    Let us face reality and facts we are in and stop trying to disprove someone’s hard work. No one can deny our world is not shaped in the direction as described in William’s “pawns in the game”.

    Your criticism is not constructive nor instructive, however, it is appreciated.

    Thank you.

  2. Yvan says:

    There’s truth in your text, but not only.

    Putting it mildly, you are hardly amicable toward the Catholics, Mr Melanson, as far as I can see.

    You say :
    « A search through the entire book, utilizing relevant word combinations, turns up nothing either. Instead, what it truly represents is the scurrilous fantasies, and militant anti-Catholicism of its author: the impostor Leo Taxil aka Dr. Bataille, who profited handsomely while having a million laughs at the expense of both Christians and Masons; who confessed that his entire corpus of anti-Masonic works – spanning twelve years and representing thousands of pages (including the translated excerpt above) – were a complete and utter fraud; a colossal yetridiculously farcical hoax..»

    Where did you see that the “free-thinker”, i.e. anti-Catholic Jogand-Pagès aka « Léo Taxil » or « Dr Bataille » (the French word meaning Battle), ever had a million of laughs at the expense of « BOTH » Catholics and F∴M∴ ? The only target of his hoax were the Catholics. Are you such an ignorant about French history, or am I ? Please, look at Wikipedia’s article about Jogand-Pagès the liar ( and if I commit mistake explain it to me. In my country, France, more than one century later the so-called “Léo Taxil” is still the argument used to discredit anyone being, either a little or a lot, critic towards F∴M∴, never the opposite, and it’s yet his use in your article.

    After having been sentenced for his hatefull anti-Catholic writings, the “free-thinker” Jogand-Pagès spent twelve years in lying to the expense (even in the full meaning of this word) of the Catholics by telling them stories about the Devil, a creature in which Catholics still believed in the XⅨth century. They believed, what made them ridiculous for Jogand-Pagès.

    • Yvan says:

      I commit a mistake: the F∴M∴ or former F∴M∴ “Léo Taxil” had been judged, but not sentenced for his hatefull anti-Catholic writings (« En 1879, il passe devant la cour d’assises de la Seine pour avoir écrit À bas la calotte, qui lui vaut d’être poursuivi pour avoir insulté une religion reconnue par l’État et outragé la morale publique, mais il est acquitté. »

      • Don’t know what you’re on about. Leo Taxil was both anti-catholic and anti-mason – the latter because he was snubbed by the craft. Wikipedia is hardly an exhaustive source.

        • Yvan says:

          In WHAT was he anti-mason ? He had been a F∴M∴, for sure, and allegedly was outed of F∴M∴, and whole his adult life was a struggle against Catholicism.

          You made an enemy both of F∴M∴ and of Catholicism a man who was an enemy of Catholicism only.

          You make, out of his hoax to make believers ridiculous (Catholic believers only, of course), an anti-F∴M∴, but it was used TWELVE years against F∴M∴, and from more than a whole century against any critc toward F∴M∴

  3. Yvan says:

    By chosing a scholar, you can chose your truth. You don’t chose, not even one name, but you already know the conclusion : how great to be an omniscient !

    Perhaps you don’t know that, in History, authority is neither more an argument than in Mathematics. If you believe, for good or bad raisons, that Jogand-Pagès’ anti-Catholic hoax had been nocive to F∴M∴, wht don’t you just give the raisons of what you believe ?

    These twelve years had made F∴M∴ disgusting for twelve years to anyone believing the Devil could appear to write with his tail on the back of a woman : none became anti-F∴M∴ because of “Léo Taxil” ‘s lyings.

    These twelve years had made, for more than one century, ridiculous anyone being critic toward F∴M∴: Jogand-Pagès is the one shield against any critic toward F∴M∴, and had never been anything else, as far as I can know.

    If you know better than I do, please explain me in WHAT his hoax was something else than the continuation of his anti-Catholic struggle.

    • Because antimasons still quote from the hoax, knowingly pushing falsehoods to sling mud at Freemasonry. Taxil is an industry unto himself.

      The only people looking ridiculous are those who continue to quote from his works. You don’t need Taxil to be a legitimate critic of masonry. I’ve written many articles criticizing Freemasonry, all without Taxil or utilizing made up stories. Maybe you should read those.

      • Yvan says:

        Not only you ignore the History of France, whereas you pretend to teach about it to me, but you ignore History in general. For example, when cardinal Rodriguez says that in a book « are given the names of all the Jews who have been in the government of the Soviet », the former student in History I am wants to answer it’s wrong : few Jews, or no Jew were members of the Soviet Government. However, it is yet impossible to use this mistake to claim « Putting it mildly, cardinal Rodriguez is hardly amicable toward the Jews » (you don’t came to that point as a conclusion, you make this conclusion without any evidence), for Soviet Union was not leaded by the so-called “Govermment”, but by the Communist Party. Three out of four of his commissars were Jews ; Lenin was Jew by his mother (it is now admitted, whereas for long this information had been given only in anti-Semitic texts, e. g. “Bagatelles pour un massacre”, a satire by Céline) ; the true name of Trotzky was Braunstein (currently transcripted in Bronstein) ; the true name of Zinoviev was Apfelbaum ; the true name of Kamenev was Rosenfeld ; the fathers of the Gulag were Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvey Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, Naftaly Frenkel (Solzhenitsyn’s ARCHIPELag GULag, vol. Ⅱ) ; a. s. o.

        Putting it mildly, you’re hardly amicable toward the Catholics, Mr Melanson.

        Please, read yourself : when I write you’re wrong when you say Jogand-Pagès had « a million laughs at the expense of both Christians [more accuratly : Catholics] and Masons », your answer is that you’re right because « the only people looking ridiculous are those who continue to quote from his works », i. e. some anti-F∴M∴! You’re right, Mr Melanson, but which kind of blindness is yours, if you don’t understand that, in saying that, you’re admitting his hoax never made ridiculous anyone but the anti-F∴M∴ who believed in his hoax, and the very few who still believe in it ?

        No, it’s worst than that : even people never quoting “Léo Taxil”, or callimg him a liar (some anti-F∴M∴, some people not anti-F∴M∴ but critic toward F∴M∴, some F∴M∴ critic toward F∴M∴ but still regarding themselves as F∴M∴) are answered, are mafe ridiculous by Taxil’s story of Devil f***ing with Diana Vaughan. His success is magnificient.

        Jogand-Pagès said : « Tuons-les par le rire. » It means : « Let’s kill them by laughing. » He made ridiculous the Catholics and anti-F∴M∴ who believed in him. He had no laughs at the expense of F∴M∴ ; if you believe he had, please give me an exemple where he made F∴M∴ ridiculous : he never did, as far as I can know, and I know the History of my country better than you’ll ever know it, or I think so. However, I don’t pretend I am a specialist about the XⅨth century, and the time where I was a student in History is one quarter of century ago, so if you know any evidence showing I’m wrong, please say it, I WANT to know!I really do !

        Yesterday I used your link to have « Le Diable XⅨe siècle » in French, but it only sent me to a site giving adresses to some other books (the kind of books you are told to read when friends want you to become a F∴M∴ : it happened to me when I was a student).

  4. Emy says:

    Hi Terry, i don’t know if you are still responding to questions but please can you answer one question. I just want to know if I’ve got the following right. Are you saying that Taxil wrote a book called ‘The Devil in the 19th-century’. In this book Taxil (under the made up name Dr. Bataille) talked about a mason called Pike. Pike is a real man and Mazzini is a real man. In real life Pike may or may not have sent letters to Mazzini. Taxil wrote in his book that Pike wrote a specific letter to Mazzini which contained the words ‘…we shall unleash the revolutionary nihilists and atheists, and provoke a formidable social cataclysm…’ etc etc etc. Taxil only got away with this because Pike had already passed away and couldn’t defend himself. I’m assuming Mazzini must have passed away too, if he is a real person. So Pike never talked about wanting to destroy Catholicism in this specific letter? Is all that correct? Please correct me if I’m wrong. Thank you very much.

    • Both Pike and Mazzini were dead when Taxil wrote his hoax material. In real life they didn’t communicate with each other and didn’t know each other. There’s no letter. Taxil made it up.

      • Emy says:

        Thank you for responding. Some more questions if you don’t mind. So the prediction of a third world war that starts ‘World War Three is to be fomented by using…’ was actually written by Carr in his book Pawns in the Game? Could Pike not have alluded to a third world war in one of his other books or writings? Did you check that? If it is correct that Pike never mentioned a third world war in any of his writings then why do you think Michael Haupt does not correct his website? He must have seen this article. I imagine you and many others must have sent him a link to this article. Have you sent him a link and asked him why he doesnt post a retraction? Thank you very much.

        • Pike didn’t predict anything in any of his writings and neither did Carr. The investigation is self-explanatory is you read it from beginning to end.

          Haupt doesn’t own the website anymore. The person he sold it to obviously doesn’t have an incentive to correct anything and doesn’t answer emails.

          Disinfo is peddled to the masses all the time in conspiracist circles. I find it despicable to knowingly do so.

          • Emy says:

            Ok thanks. How do you know he sold it? The site says ‘This site is developed, maintained and funded solely by private, independent individuals…’

            Oh wow, is the Haupt you’re talking about the same one as seen here ??? says ‘my background is IT and Telecommunications’. So that could be him! That would be weird! If it is him I didn’t expect the maker of the three world wars site to be an international business man extraordinaire! I thought it would be some broke loser who sits alone on a Friday night!

            I tried to work out his motive. He says ‘the site is the result of many years (at least 15, but I’ve lost track) of study, research, questioning and personal observances. I have read and summarized countless sources (probably approaching 2,500)’ but then he says ‘Disclaimer: The accuracy of any of the information on any of these pages cannot be guaranteed. You should never accept anything you read or hear as fact until you’ve verified the information for yourself first.’ So that tells me precisely nothing.

            He says he believes ‘That resistance is futile and that no effort should be expended in trying to prevent world domination by a few. Instead we should prepare as best we can.’ I don’t agree with that philosophy at all but whatever.

            I see he has monitised his site through ads using paydotcom. I looked at his analytics. He makes $42 income a day. He gets 3,741 daily unique visitors. The site is worth $22,680.

            Yeah I guess I can’t understand the motive to knowingly deceive people unless you are poor and it makes you a lot of money which in this case, it doesnt. If he is indeed Michael Haupt, international globe trotter and business man extraordinaire then money won’t be a consideration at all.

  5. Tobias Remy says:

    This is quite a bit of information to take in. So just to clarify. The website in an effort to legitimize its own conspiracy theory cited a book written by Carr.

    Carr alleged that free masons are a Luciferian order involved in a conspiracy to bring about three world wars culminating in the destruction of Christianity and Atheism which would leave only Luciferianism.

    Carr, to back up this claim, cites a letter which he said was written from Pike to Mazzini . He claims the letter is chronicled in the British Museum (later redacted) as well as it was quoted from by other writers (Rodriquez).

    Looking into Rodriquez’s writings it was discovered he didn’t actually claim the letter was chronicled at the museum but rather that a publication which cited the letter was. That publication was The Devil in the 19th-century by Dr. Bataille.

    Tracking down this publication it does claim the letter was written from Pike to Mazzini and cites the alleged letter in the text. The letter lays out a plot supposedly by the Luciferian freemasons to essentially conquer the world yet makes no mention of “three world wars”.

    There is no way to confirm the cited letter’s validity past this publication’s claim it exists because the letter itself is not chronicled anywhere. You also find major publications (The Times) which discuss the Taxil Hoax.

    In these publications it is reported a man named Leo Taxil claimed that he, along with others, were the authors of works such as The Devil in the 19th-century and that it was all a huge hoax in which they had fooled everyone.

    You therefore concluded that “The Devil in the 19th-century” was a total hoax based on:
    A- The existence of the letter in “The Devil in the 19th-century” can’t be validated.
    B- Leo Taxil claimed responsibility for the publication and that it was all a very elaborate hoax. His claim was repeated and fully accepted by the media at that time and reported as such in multiple media outlets. The publication was dismissed afterwards as nothing more than being part of Taxil’s elaborate hoax.

    I have to ask, considering how the media is used today, is it possible the publication was legitimate and Taxil was used as a means of dismissing it from the public eye or is that an impossibility based on the information you have?

    Secondly, even if the publication can be linked to Taxil with certainty as a hoax isn’t it incredible in what it has predicted a full century ahead of it’s time? It claims newspapers will use liberalism as a means of furthering their agenda (which is very much in play now over 100 years later).

    It claims not only that Christianity and Islam will essentially destroy each other but also that Catholicism will be pushed out of Rome. Considering all my research into what is happening present day, that is an incredible 100 year old prophecy to have made.

    If the west were to have simply gone to war with Islam the entire middle-east would have been completely decimated by the west. Not in line with that prophecy. However, with what is happening in the EU with the migrant crisis we see what will inevitably culminate in the Islamization of Europe.

    Simultaneously there is anti-islamic rhetoric permeating throughout the US. Now if Europe converts to Islam and war breaks out that would definitely legitimize the publications claims. Then, to also consider that it is a stated goal of Islam to one day conquer Rome and force out the Catholics. Also to consider the Pope just recently met with the Russian Orthodoxy for the first time in nearly 1000 years. That meeting occured this year, in February I believe.

    It is incredible to consider there is truth here and looking at events which are playing out on the world stage today it seems highly plausible.

    It even speaks of fostering “revolutionary ideas” in the lower classes and that “we need to channel it and mix it with the most exaggerated social doctrines”. Incredible.

    It talks of essentially a social calamity. Look at what is going on in the world today. Gays, Christians, Muslims, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics – practically every group is being polarized against each other via the media.

    In all my research I’ve come upon both nonsense and some great revelation and while reading this supposed letter a lot of bells went off for me. If it is a hoax and Taxil was just laughing at everyone then my hat goes off to him because only the adversary himself could have told a more grandiose lie.

    • Your skepticism stems from the fact that you are not wholly familiar with what the Taxil Hoax was. At the conclusion of this article, rather than recount the story for the reader (who already had to endure an extremely long post), I opted for links and book recommendations to understand what it was, who he was and what he did. I recommend you look into my recommendations, because the full story is quite involved and includes a large cast of characters and claims.

      Additionally, here’s what I wrote in my book, Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, on the subject:

      The Great Hoaxer — Leo Taxil
      Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès (1854-1907) pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes of all time. Born in France, his career began with polemical journalism, anti-Catholic writings, and the editing of a newspaper called L’anti- Clérical [The Anti Clerical]. In the mid-1880s he ostensibly had a change of heart, reconciled with the Church, and began writing anti-Masonic publications. Under the pseudonyms Leo Taxil and Dr. Bataille, Pagès wrote of a Luciferic/Satanic conspiracy at the heart of Masonry.

      Among the main characters he introduced was one Diana Vaughan, the high priestess of the “Palladium.” Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini were said to rule over this Satanic rite, and the Luciferic cabal, in control of world wide Freemasonry, resided at Charleston, South Carolina, the seat of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction in America, where Pike (among others) communed with the Prince of Darkness himself. After the Memoirs of Diana Vaughan were published, Pope Leo XIII himself read it, became a “fan,” and had Cardinal Parrocchi reward her with a papal benediction.

      When Vaughan’s fame grew, requests to meet her became overwhelming. Taxil, knowing that the ruse had run its course, acquiesced, and announced that on Easter Sunday, 1897, a lecture would be held with Taxil and Vaughan at the Geographic Society in Paris. Before the assembled gathering, on April 19, Taxil proceeded to give a long speech in which he confessed that the entire series of best-selling publications were a hoax, intended, in the main, to demonstrate the gullibility of Christians: because of preconceived notions about occultism and secret societies, and the principalities of darkness, they could be duped to such an extent as to believe that Pike conferred with Lucifer himself every Friday, at precisely 3:00 p.m.!

      The atmosphere in France during the end of the 19th century, offered a “rare opportunity to coin money out of the crass credulity and boundless stupidity of the Catholics,” Pagès would say.

      Despite this admission, however, the “revelations” written under the name of Taxil, Vaughan, and Dr. Bataille continued to be offered up as proof of the Luciferic/Satanic world conspiracy of Masonry and, of course, the Illuminati. Chief among the shameless propagators were Lady Queensborough in the 1930s and William Guy Carr in the 1950s. To this day, in books from well-meaning Christian conspiracy theorists, choice excerpts—ultimately from the hoaxed material (by way of Queensborough and Carr)—are reproduced as “evidence.”

      Now for your specific inquiries:

      “Tracking down this publication it does claim the letter was written from Pike to Mazzini and cites the alleged letter in the text …”

      No. Carr, Rodriguez and the antisemites who wrote “The Cause” do not cite the letter. All of them, only cite one paragraph. That’s it. I translated the full “letter” into English for the first time.

      “There is no way to confirm the cited letter’s validity past this publication’s claim”

      It was made up by Taxil in his made-up books and pamphlets. These publications are the absolute primary source of said “letter.” Furthermore, Taxil was able to make Albert Pike and Mazzini the linchpins in this Luciferian Palladium rite because both were dead by the time he put poison to paper. Taxil had been sued before many times and he wasn’t about to be have his assets seized again and put in jail.

      “You also find major publications (The Times) which discuss the Taxil Hoax.”

      No. The London Morning Post published a huge multi-part series on the conspiracy of the Jews to take over the world and enslave us all. They were the first promoters of the Protocols in the English language.

      “In these publications it is reported a man named Leo Taxil claimed …”
      The press at the time reported his ruse. He held a press conference and his confession was reported in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic. The “publications” afterwards didn’t have to “claim” anything. It happened and was recorded contemporaneously.

      “A- The existence of the letter in “The Devil in the 19th-century” can’t be validated.”
      It is validated that that is the first place that it appeared. Never before. It was made up by Taxil and was part of the hoax material, laughing his ass off afterwards because he conned everyone – the gullible, the christians and the masons. It’s how he made his living – lying, cheating and publishing smut.

      “It claims newspapers will use liberalism as a means of furthering their agenda” Oh my, what a prophet! Newspapers have and always will be used for one agenda or another. Conservative newspapers use their ideological proclivities to sway the reader in one direction as well – always have; always will.

      “It claims not only that Christianity and Islam will essentially destroy each other” No. That is Carr who claimed that. He wrote that after Israel had become a nation and while they were fighting the Arabs for more land. Carr was a fundamentalist and knew full well what it says in the Bible about the end times – that the Islamic nations will march on Jerusalem and partake in Armageddon. That’s the lie – there was no WWI, WWII, or WWIII “prediction” in the so-called “letter.” He made it up one morning over tea and crumpets. What the fake “letter” actually says about Islam is the following: “The conversion of Protestants to the Temple of True Light will be gradual, sayeth the revelation; the fate of the Mohammedans will be entirely determined by a large and unexpected event occurring under the sixth sovereign pontificate of good Catholicism. It will follow from this that – far from being doomed to the cursed darkness of superstition – three hundred twenty million souls will be enlightened.”

      Re: revolution and social doctrines

      The period in which Taxil lived was an epoch of revolution after revolution throughout all of Europe. And it was also a time when secularism gained hold and finally seized power. That’s no prediction – it was happening, and did happen, right before everyone’s eyes. The Pope was kicked out of Italy for God’s sake, and revolutionaries occupied the Vatican. A greater upheaval I cannot fathom.

      “In all my research I’ve come upon both nonsense and some great revelation”
      Well, count yourself privy to more nonsense, of the highest order.

      “my hat goes off to him because only the adversary himself could have told a more grandiose lie”
      More grandiosity in the thousands upon thousand of pages of bunk include the most childish asinine claims such as a demon shaped like a crocodile playing the piano for the big bad satanist masons, demons writing prophecies on the back of the harlot Vaughan with their tails, while Pike, with a magical watch, taking weekly marching orders from Lucifer himself. Taxil put these bits in to see how far he could go and was truly flabbergasted at the level raw credulity.

  6. Tobias Remy says:

    “Now for your specific inquiries:

    “Tracking down this publication it does claim the letter was written from Pike to Mazzini and cites the alleged letter in the text …”

    No. Carr, Rodriguez and the antisemites who wrote “The Cause” do not cite the letter. All of them, only cite one paragraph. That’s it. I translated the full “letter” into English for the first time.”
    – I was referring to the original publication (which you translated).

    ““You also find major publications (The Times) which discuss the Taxil Hoax.”


    – A link you gave directs to an article discussing the Taxil Hoax written by The Times.

    ““In these publications it is reported a man named Leo Taxil claimed …”
    The press at the time reported his ruse. He held a press conference and his confession was reported in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic. The “publications” afterwards didn’t have to “claim” anything. It happened and was recorded contemporaneously.”
    – I was questioning the media, along with Taxil, being complicit in dismissing the publication. Not the fact of whether the event took place.

    ““It claims newspapers will use liberalism as a means of furthering their agenda” Oh my, what a prophet! Newspapers have and always will be used for one agenda or another. Conservative newspapers use their ideological proclivities to sway the reader in one direction as well – always have; always will.”

    – Fair enough.

    ““It claims not only that Christianity and Islam will essentially destroy each other” No. That is Carr who claimed that.”
    – Correct. My mistake for confusing them.

    “The period in which Taxil lived was an epoch of revolution after revolution throughout all of Europe. And it was also a time when secularism gained hold and finally seized power. That’s no prediction – it was happening, and did happen, right before everyone’s eyes.”

    You’re referring to Voltaire and the Age of Enlightenment during the French Revolution and the years following? Which I believe he even mentions “The Cult of the Supreme Being” or alluded to it in the text. The beginning of that whole period seems to mirror what is happening within the US today. The seemingly coordinated attack on Christianity through the argument of “We don’t need religion to tell us right from wrong. We have reason, science, and logic.”. Which lead to the formation of The Cult of Reason and later The Cult of the Supreme Being.

    That same sentiment is seen down throughout the ages. During the Age of Enlightenment in the French Revolution and after. The Fabian Society in the UK etc. etc. and down through time. The same sentiment appears in a new group under a new name only the goal remains the same.

    ““In all my research I’ve come upon both nonsense and some great revelation”
    Well, count yourself privy to more nonsense, of the highest order.

    “my hat goes off to him because only the adversary himself could have told a more grandiose lie”
    More grandiosity in the thousands upon thousand of pages of bunk include the most childish asinine claims such as a demon shaped like a crocodile playing the piano for the big bad satanist masons, demons writing prophecies on the back of the harlot Vaughan with their tails, while Pike, with a magical watch, taking weekly marching orders from Lucifer himself. Taxil put these bits in to see how far he could go and was truly flabbergasted at the level raw credulity.”

    -I was considering the predictions made that have come true today. Aside from some of the vague ones I mentioned (liberalism in media) but more so the less vague ones. Such as the removal of Christianity from the public schools. His call to use publications to essentially demonize Christianity. Which we see evident today. Most Christians (So-called) are terrified to even mention in a work place that they are actually Christians or voice their opinions as they’ve been labeled as bigots by way of media.

    Taxil also often mentions “The Illuminated” or similar when referencing his “brothers”. This, also considering the period of the destruction of Christianity in Europe was dubbed “The Age of Enlightenment” I find it interesting that the name Lucifer essentially means “The Light Bringer” or “Light Bearer” or “The Shining One”. So the luciferians referred to themselves and others as “The Illuminated” having been touched by The Lightbringer. Also the allegory of Satan tempting Eve with a fruit of wisdom. Where “light” can also be translated as “knowledge”. So, Lucifer tempted Eve with enlightenment.

    At any rate, I’m mostly rambling now as it is 6am here and it is far past my bed time. I did not mean to offend in any way. I was just very intrigued by all of this just happening to stumble upon it. Thank you for the reply and for your time.

    • “You’re referring to Voltaire and the Age of Enlightenment during the French Revolution and the years following?”
      No. I was referring to the 19th century – Taxil’s time – not the 18th. The 18th century was marked by the ascendancy of philosophy and the fight for ability to criticize religion. The 19th century was the century of revolutions – hundreds of them all over Europe. It’s when kings really were disposed and secularism came to power- the Carbonari, Garibaldi, Mazzini, Marxism and socialists of every stripe. More significant and world changing than either the French Revolution or the American revolution.

      Like it or not we now live in a secular society. That’s the way it is. Religion was intentionally left out of the affairs of the state. The founding fathers wanted it that way because they understood the detrimental effect that theocracy had on freedom – freedom to think for yourself and freedom to criticize both the state and the church.

      The “culture wars” is a remnant of the 19th century. Some Christians – Dominionists, for example – want the good ole days of theocracy and the church meddling in the affairs of all our lives. I for one do not subscribe to such a thing, and would fight to the death for that not to occur. There’s about as much freedom in a theocracy as there is in a totalitarian communist state. In both instances power is absolute.

  7. Tobias Remy says:

    Opinion Abounds Below
    ““You’re referring to Voltaire and the Age of Enlightenment during the French Revolution and the years following?”
    No. I was referring to the 19th century – Taxil’s time – not the 18th. The 18th century was marked by the ascendancy of philosophy and the fight for ability to criticize religion.”
    -If you consider the Jacobins guillotining 10’s of thousands of people while ransacking churches “criticism”….sure. This has been the MO of the liberal school of thought for centuries. They use the rallying call of liberty and freedom for the people to attract positive public opinion. All while silencing or just outright murdering anyone who disagrees with their own opinions.

    That is not liberty. That is tyranny and hypocrisy. Always denying with their mouths what their hands are doing. (This is probably why the Fabian Society’s original coat of arms was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.)

    “Like it or not we now live in a secular society. That’s the way it is. Religion was intentionally left out of the affairs of the state. The founding fathers wanted it that way because they understood the detrimental effect that theocracy had on freedom – freedom to think for yourself and freedom to criticize both the state and the church.”
    – They understood religion had no place in the governing body of a republic. However, most of them understood the necessity of its tenets on society. They sought a way to maintain religion within the society but to not allow it to have control of the governing body as was the case in Europe with the papacy or the church and its influence on the monarchy.
    The cult of the supreme being was their first attempt to achieve this goal and to take governing authority away from the church while maintaining religion. When they founded the US, the governance was framed in such a way as to maintain religion within the masses but to not allow it to achieve any kind of governing authority. Thus, the separation of church and state but with the freedom of religion not to be violated.
    The argument of whether the US was founded on Christianity continues to this day because both sides are half correct. It was, and in a sense it wasn’t. It had no place in governance, but it does within society. At least, if your goal is to have a well functioning society it is. If your goals are different, perhaps not. (If you’re seeking to change forms of government and you need a social collapse/revolution from within to facilitate that change…then you might want to remove it for a while.)
    Some framers even commented on Christianity having proven itself to be the best system evidenced so far. Or John Adams in particular “I have examined all religions, and the result is that the Bible is the best book in the world”. Though not all Christian, even those framers of the Supreme Being belief still understood the purpose of religion.
    Atheism and those of the cult of reason are trying to replace religion with science. You can’t put a square block into a round hole. Science is useful in technology and innovation, but what good is all that technology when the society beneath it collapses? Likewise, religion has no place in the realm of science. They are two very different things which serve two very different purposes. The attempt to manage society “scientifically” is going to lead us to a much darker place than the church ever has.

    “The “culture wars” is a remnant of the 19th century. Some Christians – Dominionists, for example – want the good ole days of theocracy and the church meddling in the affairs of all our lives. I for one do not subscribe to such a thing, and would fight to the death for that not to occur.”
    – Agreed.

    Not trying to debate right or wrong. Rather, just discuss opinion. Thus the disclaimer.

    • The French Revolution wasn’t the be-all end-all of the 18th century, though it was its inevitable result. The entire century was basically a fight to be able to criticize religion (and the monarchy) and not worry about going to prison or being burned at the stake. Public burning of people still occurred in backward Germany as late as the 1750s.

      The French Revolution was a failure. They went too far and the result was Napoleon’s dictatorship, then back to monarchy, then another revolution, then back to monarchy, then another revolution, and on and on. All throughout Europe the same thing occurred. The 19th century was the century of revolutions. It wasn’t until the very end and the beginning of the 20th that a certainly stability was enjoyed. … and then you had the two world wars which was even worse.

      I agree. The Bible is the best religious book in the world if you concentrate solely on the New Testament and the “red” words of Jesus. Morality in the Old Testament is questionable at best, and downright scary if you apply it literally (much like the Koran).

      “The attempt to manage society ‘scientifically’ is going to lead us to a much darker place”
      Agreed. However, it is not just an attempt. Between the NSA, Google and Facebook, they already “manage” billions of us and it will only get worse as we become more dependent on tech in our lives. When everything is connected to everything and AI finally achieves omnipresence there will be no escaping the matrix.

  8. Tobias Remy says:

    “I agree. The Bible is the best religious book in the world if you concentrate solely on the New Testament and the “red” words of Jesus. Morality in the Old Testament is questionable at best, and downright scary if you apply it literally (much like the Koran).”
    -Exactly this. Very much so.

    ““The attempt to manage society ‘scientifically’ is going to lead us to a much darker place”
    Agreed. However, it is not just an attempt. Between the NSA, Google and Facebook, they already “manage” billions of us and it will only get worse as we become more dependent on tech in our lives. When everything is connected to everything and AI finally achieves omnipresence there will be no escaping the matrix”
    – I have deeply considered this situation. The situation of technology and what it means to us. We have always praised technology because it has, up to this point, made our lives much easier. It will reach a point though when it leads to our destruction. Or at least the destruction of liberty.
    This consideration of technology and its advancement has lead me to what appears to be several truths.
    Firstly, it gives an explanation to the depopulation agenda. In the system in which we’ve lived up to this point, the system needed workers to support it. People working on the industrial line. People to go off to fight wars. For every person, you had a job or a need to match them with. A place where they benefit the system.

    In the future, that is not the case. You have self driving cars coming onto the market even now. That invention alone is enough to take what someone said could be 20% of the job market. Considering semi-truck drivers, transportation, or any form of job which requires a driver that could be replaced by a self driving car. A car which doesn’t require a salary and statistically less likely to get in a car accident.

    Where do those workers go? All those people? Welfare? More jobs will soon follow as more people are replaced with nowhere left to go. There will be no use for them. Researching fast-food restaurants which are fully automated. They’re testing entire warehouses which are fully automated. A self driven vehicle pulls up, a robot forklift unloads and stacks it’s payload, then it drives away. The human worker will become obsolete and that is a fact. Only a matter of time.

    So then, what is to become of all those people? They could only be a drain on the system. They have no use in that world. People dream of this utopian society of plenty. Where everyone sits around being served by robots. It simply will not be the case. People sitting around doing nothing but consuming, creating waste while contributing nothing? While having more children to do the same?That is not efficient and it will not be allowed.

    The depopulation is for this very purpose. There is no use for so many people in the future. They would only be seen as parasites, draining off the system and contributing nothing to it. As a result of technology, it is really necessity that the numbers come down. They would have to. Society structured in such a way could not support them.

    Secondly, the advancement of technology would lead to another inevitable conclusion. Totalitarianism. It would have to. Consider a future where a person could fit a bomb capable of wiping out an entire city block….in their pocket. Biological weapons even more dangerous.

    Such a world could not exist without a society under absolute totalitarian control. Being monitored every second of every day. You would have to be. It couldn’t be any other way. Really, the greatest deception of all has been the deception of technology.

    We’ve been conditioned to accept technology entirely and not question it. Of course it’s good for us. It has made our lives easier. No one ever realizing the truth. That in the end, it will be used to enslave us.

    I watched a program showing the “top 10 inventions this year”. Nearly half of them were tracking devices. A keychain with a tracking device, of course, so that you never lose your keys. A wallet with a tracking device, of course, so you don’t lose your wallet. Already we have watches with tracking devices. When you think about how obvious it really is as to what is happening it is just absurd that no one even bothers to notice. This incredible transition in our society happening right in front of them, oblivious.

    People walk around every day with a device in their pocket which has a camera, an audio recorder, and a tracking device that can record and track every single thing they do every moment of every day. They’ve even been told that people have the ability to turn on their mic, turn on their camera, and track them without their knowledge and yet they walk around oblivious. Never realizing how absolutely ridiculous or incredible that is. In the process of being conditioned.

    All that you can really do though is detach yourself, sit back, and watch the show. Hoping that the insanity I see unfolding on the television isn’t waiting for me around the corner when I walk outside.

    • The price of technology decreases in direct proportion to how far it advances. The silver lining is that in a hundred years interstellar travel would have been perfected and it will be accessible to everyone. The cosmos is our only hope.

  9. Bobby Duhon says:

    Great research. being a ex-free Mason I have nothing to contribute for the Order but its always about status. The Three degrees didn’t do it for me. When upon entering the Master Lodge I was asked To whom I put my faith in ,I answered Jesus Christ. They should have escorted me out. Wrong answer. I stayed in and completed the Master Mason Degree. Not much but a few guys playing out parts in a beautiful Play. Farther you go in Scottish or York its much more advanced and leans toward Muslim scripted parts and teachings all the way to the Shrine. Carr did awaken something that has always bothered me. Our Revolution and Civil Wars. Rothchild and the Federal reserve. I will research more to satisfy my ” somethig is going on’. LOL

  10. anonymous says:

    Thanks for this! I found a Mazzini Collection from Princeton in my archive and remembered the name from hearing the Pike thing years ago. I knew it was nonsense, but it’s nice to know where the lines between these things are and to know of the most important Republican agitator in Europe at the time.

    I’m most interested in the Cardinal, to be honest.

  11. Jeriel says:

    While I take sincere interest in the effort you have put into debunking this. The result is however the same. It is not really a hoax because it is happening right now. Heck I read about this in 1979 when I was studying the occult and the religious section of the Anaheim public library. This hoax as you call it just happens to be a smoking gun is the only reason it is being debunked. Reading masonic sanctioned writings will substantiate the contents of the bogus letter for the most part and watching it play out on the world stage is evidence that it is not a hoax that it is the intention of those involved to discredit it while fulfilling it. That is why it’s secret and how it remains secret is because no one admits it and anyone who divulges it is debunked. The hoax is that those people (Carr and Taxil) were hoaxing. Very clever and were it not so obvious from the headlines from the past 50 years it would be quite easy to discount. I’m not sure that is easy to follow. But it is called hiding something in plain sight. But thank you for adding all the other supporting documentation. I had an interesting time putting all the pieces together back in 79 from all those rosirucian and grimoires and magick and freemasonry books and trying to decode the books that were written with missing and shifted letters and other coding techniques. They all pointed to the same thing just like the Holy Bible just from a slightly different perspective and easier to understand format but a somewhat more sinister perspective. Either way thanks for digging out all that source material to help others research. I’m sure that it is helpful to both the people it was intended for and those it was intended to mislead.

  12. Auton Pontifex says:

    Excellent research, congratulations! The comment section is just as revealing and entertaining as the article. 🙂

    While the authenticity of the text has come to a foggy ground and I can see the plausibility of everything stated; there’s a certain degree of irrelevance whether this was written by Pike , Carr or Taxil. The plan outlines proves that whoever constructed it, possessed a greatly developed knowledge of history and precognitive senses. This information was planted so it can grow into a weltanschauung. It is adequately covering what happened and using this as a convincing point, projects an outcome. Carr might had to be the person who wrapped up this operation by adding his bit of information and leverage, so it is lifted back into the collective consciousness. So, that we can talk about it, research it, being led down a rabbithole. When we reach the bottom of that, it will not matter whether what has been told is true or a lie- it has been told as a spell and released into to the Universe. By extension, it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy; the Zionist interests (US/NATO) are clashing with the radicalized/demonized/extremist Islam (by coincidence, on European soil again, but not exclusively). The Luciferian doctrine, disguised as modern science, is reaching down into our genetic level and breeds species who are fully controlled automatons (mind-control, chemical alteration/GMO food, gender confusion etc.) The typology and characterology of the human being has been hacked and scrambled. Without direction and sense of Center, the over-programmed, mind-controlled humankind is about to spin out into the final periphery of existence.
    We are being destroyed, but recreated too at the same time. Keep up the good work, Mr. Melanson!

    • The ‘plan’ was written by Carr in the 50s after WWI and II, after Israel became a nation and while they were having skirmishes with the Arabs over land. The Zionism against Islam part of the so-called WWIII is influenced by what he saw taking place in Israel and, being a Christian, what he knew of prophecy to come (which does indeed predict a clash between Israel and Muslims).

      • Andrew says:

        Bible prophecy knew nothing of Islam. The well read work of Hal Lindsay, The Late Great Planet Earth, written during the Cold War, focussed upon Russia as the main protagonist in the battle of Armageddon against Israel.

      • Terry, I saw you mention Carr’s knowledge of this Biblical prophecy in an earlier comment. I don’t know the first thing about this prophecy, but I can’t see how it could possibly ‘predict a clash between Israel and Muslims,’ as Islam was founded in the 7th Century, well after the youngest book in the New Testament was written. Am I missing something?

        • The countries mentioned to face off at Armageddon in the New Testament and in the Old Testament’s End Times scenario correspond to the arab world today (Persia, Syria, Egypt etc.), even Russia (Meshech and Tubal) and China (Kings of the East, predicted to have a 200 million man army, which China can indeed muster). Eschatological watchers have always been waiting for all the pieces to come into alignment. The mere fact that Israel abecame a nation after 2000 years is THE big sign that it’s ready to hit the fan; the antagonists in the prophecy line up perfectly as well.

  13. You know, I find it interesting that you missed sort of the elephant in the room here. The 12 pages you quoted here actually seem to follow quite well with how the Devil has worked in society to remove Christianity from the public square. I would say this guy, who obviously is very anti-catholic either has a very good imagination on how to perform such evil, or perhaps he was actually inspired himself. I find these 12 pages more surprising than the original alleged prophecy that was debunked.

  14. Andrew says:

    You have dome some great work showing the writing of Carr and Taxil is not what it seems. However, there is the possibility of hiding the truth in a lie. In science truth may be established by making testable predictions. The work of Carr reveals a blue-print for action that does make testable predictions; even though its claimed authority is clearly a fraud. The testable predictions are that political Zionism and Islam will be mutually destroyed, and that atheists and nihilists will be used to undermine Christianity – for instance consider the rise of the new-atheism. and its promotion in the media. Consider the current US EU political scene where patriotic forces and political Zionism are opposed sometimes violently by a strange alliance of the liberal left and Islam.

    We see that agitation for Zionism (JN Darby) and the rise of evolution (Darwin) arose in the middle of the 19th century, prior to 1871. Darwinism influenced Marx, and later Hitler. Theodore Hertzl’s plan for a Zionist state was from 1897.

    Clearly, there is a long term blue-print for change that has led to the rise of secularism, atheism and Zionism, and the undermining of Christianity.

    Consider also the work of Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing, who suggested that Classical writers should put a double truth into their work, an exoteric one for the masses another esoteric one for the elite. See also Steve Fuller’s, Science vs Religion, Ch2.2 who discusses this. Strauss, an inspiration to neo-conservatives, believed that society should be governed by ‘noble lies’ to keep the masses in check.

  15. Robert O'Connor says:

    Amazing , I read your article because someone had posted it as Proof of the Three World War prediction. He obviously did not read it . I Loved it , You did such a thorough job of research. Your article was enjoyable and enlightening . And I even enjoyed the comments section . Sorry I must be Weird , I am Roman Catholic or should I say was. I am not a conspiracy fan , I do enjoy reading them . I Really want to say Thank You , I Really enjoyed Your article.

  16. mikla says:

    What you have found is interesting, but an ‘executive summary’ would come in handy for scholars and critics. Would it be fair to conclude this:

    Canadian Author William Guy Carr appears to have borrowed (in his 1958 book Pawns in the Game’) from the 1894 book “Satanism in the 19th Century” (Le diable au XIXe siècle, by Leo Paxil – an admitted hoaxer) Paxil’s fantasy “Pike’s letter to Mazzini” (which has no proven existence), but that Carr (after the world wars / 1958) has taken Paxil’s forgotten hoax and mixed it with his own crucial narrative, the enigmatic blueprint/prophesy of a ‘three world war scenario, dated15th of august 1871’ and that William Guy Carr then claimed that letter (the plagiarized Paxil-hoax mixed with his fantasy-prophesy) had been on display as an authorized Albert Pike document in the British Library ACCORDING to Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez, while no credible witness (not the cardinal nor the library) could confirm having seen that letter.

    Can you please confirm or correct my summary? Thank you!
    btw Did (re-publisher) Michael Haupt of threeworldwars respond? (ediited version)

    • 1. Taxil writes for years that Freemasonry is part of a satanic cult because there was a market for it as there was a sort of satanism and occultism hysteria in that era.
      2. After Taxil admitted that the whole thing was hoax other people kept on perpetuating the hoax – by quoting from the Taxil texts – while not telling their readership of the ruse. In particular, for the study at hand, Albert Pike was quoted from the fake letter in Taxil by the antisemitic Morning Post articles, which then was in turn quoted by Cardinal Rodriguez who said he got it form the Morning Post and said it came from the Taxil ‘Devil in the 19th Century’ book (again without informing the reader that Taxil was a fabricator).
      3. The British Library business is that they had a copy of Taxil’s Le Diable au XIXème Siècle, which is what Rodriguez wrote in his book.
      4. Carr couldn’t even get that last part right. He exaggerated what he read in Rodriguez and told his readers that the letter itself was on display in the library … cause that’s what bad conspiracists do: lie to their readers for kicks and profit.
      5. One paragraph – one and one only – is repeated from the hoax letter through the three sources (Morning Post, Rodriguez, Carr).
      6. This three world war business, per Carr and Haupt, is anther fabrication on top of the initial fabrication.

      > Did (re-publisher) Michael Haupt of threeworldwars respond?

      Respond to who about what?

      • mikla says:

        Right on. This letter and Carrs spicy addition are works of fiction and distraction. No such WW prophesy or plan by Pike was ever documented, and you found interesting context (‘satanic’ as anticlerical, etc). I just read that Haupt contacted the Library and concluded the same.
        Thank you.

      • mikla says:

        Carr may have wrapped, what he found to be an interesting opinion or idea, in something old, to not take title of it.
        Btw. I did check your claims via various search engines, not just one. That is imperative, especially since this years’ internet censorship initiatives.

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