Page created May 29, 2019. Last edited October 4, 2021.

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Facebook post, 2018, regarding Hitler, Paganry, The Occult, and Christianity.

*** Patience, friends, the following is a quick read. My interest is historical, not spiritual. ***.

Famous white nationalists are brilliant, but subject to human error. Ben Klassen comes to mind, a man who felt as many pagans here feel; that Christianity was created to weaken the Roman Empire. Klassen overlooks the fall of previous white empires, Egyptian and Greek, that had nothing to do with Christianity. Klassen also had the ego to create his own religion! Here are some common charges I've seen made:

Hitler was a jew
Hitler was an atheist
Hitler was an occultist
Jews created Christianity to weaken the white man.

As I will show, the data do not support these charges; but refutes them.

If Christianity was created by jews to weaken whites, then why have jews, since day one of that religion, made every effort to destroy it? Why did they murder Jesus. Why did every jewish orchestrated uprising in history result, first in foremost, in the murder of as many Priests, Nuns, and Monks as possible, as gruesomely as time permitted; and with the destruction of as many Churches as possible?

Why did the jewish ACLU insist on forcing American schools to teach evolution? Why did jewish organizations push to remove religion from school. Why did jews sponsor the law making illegal the display of Christian Crosses on government property? (meanwhile legalizing display of the Menorah). Why do jews constantly discredit and besmirch and accuse The Church in the news, in Tv shows, books, and movies.

Why do jews in Israel spit on members of the Christian Clergy, rather than praising them for entrapping the 'dumb goy?'

Contrary to the idea that Christianity pacified whites, it unified them. Europe would not exist if not for the Crusades, called by and fought by Catholics across Europe. The Crusades are defined as a fighting force gathered to help Orthodox Christians (Greeks) fight off invading Turks. The Turkish invaders were aided and encouraged by jews, who acted as spies and saboteurs within the nations who hosted them. Prime examples being the Muslim capture of Spain in 711, and Constantinople in 1453. For a brilliant, breif, important summary of The Crusades, came back and watch this

Sadly, The Protestant Reformation permanently ended the Crusades, including the Crusade being planned in 1517 to retake Constantinople, et. al., that had to be cancelled. (See: 18th Ecumenical Council)

Catholic Monarchs ejected entire populations of jews from their cities and countries throughout history, without which those nations would have long since died of internal rot or assisted enemy invasion, as is happening to our nations today.

In 1182, Catholic King Phillip of France expelled jews. In 1290, Catholic King Edward I of England expelled jews (for 400 years). In 1492, Catholic King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain expelled jews (also, for 400 years). In Germany, center of the Catholic 'Holy Roman Empire,' jews were kicked out or killed throughout the Middle Ages (for poisoning wells with the plague). Many other cases of expulsions by Catholics, I'm sure.

The moral of the story, below, is that the removal of Catholicism from England ushered in the age of bureaucracy which plagues us still today.

In 1453 Constantinople fell, grandest city of The West, and fortress against Asian / African invasion.  Mehemet The Conqueror gobled up the city; woe to the inhabitants; and continued marching towards Europe. He was finally stopped by Vlad Dracula, a Catholic.  Vlad is mocked by jewish fairy tales depicting him as a bloodthirsty demon.  Ironic since, all along, jews were the ones drinking blood.

Now onto Hitler. Three million German soldiers wearing the belt buckles, "God With Us" invaded the Soviet Union during Operation Barbarossa. The first thing Hitler's armies did as they "liberated" Soviet towns was to open up the Churches which had been boarded up by the atheist jews controlling Russia since 1917.

At least one million Russians joined Hitler's army. More French died fighting for Hitler than against him; likewise for Dutch and probably other nations too. The Waffen SS was even until the last day of the war obtaining more recruits than it was losing in combat; but when the nerve center of Berlin fell, all was lost.

To reiterate what I've posted previously: In reading several of Hitler's most important speeches, and getting a good measure of the man from many hours of research into WW II, I have not heard him make any mention of paganry or the occult; nor speak ill of Christianity. He was a man who did not mince words, and spoke openly of Nationalism and the JQ.

Leon Degrelle, the man whom Hitler said he wished to have as a son, was a confirmed Catholic, and wrote a letter to Pope John Paul, urging his "Most Holy Father" not to give mass in Auschwitz and thereby condone that liar narrative.

A word search of the Stalag edition of MK reveals as follows. (The mircale of electronic data):
In regards to religous or pagan debate, the Fuhrer leaves no doubt as to his views:
  1. MK-Stalag, pg 634, "I have no hesitation in saying with regard to those men who seek to embroil the völkisch movement in religious quarrels, that they are worse enemies of my country than any internationally-minded Communist."
  2. MK-Stalat, pg 634, "The National Socialist Movement has set itself the task of converting those Communists, but anyone who... diverts from thefulfilment of that mission, is acting in a manner that deserves the severest condemnation. He is acting as a champion of Jewish interests, whether consciously or unconsciously does not matter, for it is to the interest of the Jews to-day that the energies of the völkisch movement should be frittered away in a religious conflict... Anybody who conducts propaganda with that end in view must be expelled forthwith from its ranks."
  3. MK-Stalage, pg 635, "...the facts speak for themselves. The men who suddenly discovered in 1924, that the highest mission of the völkisch movement was to fight (Catholic dominance), have not succeeded in smashing it, but they did succeed in splitting the völkisch movement."
  4. MK-Stalag, pg 636, "...while a völkisch (champion) is debating (whether Catholic dominance is more dangerous than Jewish dominance), the Jew is destroying the racial basis of our existence and thereby annihilating our people. As regards that kind of völkisch champion, I pray with all my heart..., ‘Lord, preserve us from such friends, that we can more easily deal with our enemies.’"
  5. MK-Stalag, pg 130, "If we compare the magnitude of (human kind), ... we shall have to admit that the proportion of good to bad is more favourable (in the Church) than anywhere else."

Without even looking, I came across quotes from Hitler: (1) "It has been charged against me that I am atheist. That charge is false." and (2) "We accept none among our ranks who attack Christianity. In fact, our movement is Christian."  See the video at bottom of page to hear similar words of his, directly.

Further, a website, in spite of themselves, aids me greatly. It points out that all Nazi Leadership were Catholics, yes even Himmler. Hitler attended Goebbels Catholic marriage. The website condemns how Catholic leadership, prior to the (((Second Vatican Council of 1962))) never condemned naziism.

Catholics have a history of aiding one another:
  1. Catholic Spain protected Nazis after the war, including most notable Waffen SS General, Leon Degrelle (a Catholic)
  2. Catholic Germany came to the aide of Spain in 1936 when it was besieged by jewish bolsheviks mass murdering Clergy and destroying Churches.
  3. Catholic Germany came to the aid of Catholic Italy, as well as Orthodox Greece, when they were under invasion from the Allies.
  4. All white Axis nations were Catholic: Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia.

It seems every stone of history one unturns shows jews up to evil and Catholics fighting it.

A.H. had this to say about the occult, in Nuremberg, 6 September 1938:

"National Socialism is not a cult-movement—a movement for worship; it is exclusively a 'volkic' political doctrine based upon racial principles. We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else."

Changing gears now. Scholar, E. Michael Jones, identifies the following past pronouncements from the Vatican
  1. You can permit jews into your country, but you cannot permit them equal rights, or they will eventually control your country.
  2. Any nation which rejects Catholicism will utltimately end up being ruled by jews.
  3. If the Cathoilc Church does not protect her followers from jews, they will take matters into their own hands once a fuhrer (leader) emerges.

A famous Catholic Priest whose name escapes me said, "Owning a TV is like having a jew in your living room."

A standing Papal Orders demands that all copies of the Talmud must be burned.

In parting, here are some important Catholics of WW II:

Adolph Hitler, ruler of Germany and Austria
Mussolini, ruler of Italy
Francisco Franco, ruler and savior of Spain
Miklós Horthy, ruler of Hungary
Jozef Tiso, ruler of Slovakia
Corneliu Codreanu of Romania, founder of The Iron Guard was Orthodox
King Carol II of Romania wasn't Catholic but was Orthodox.

(the last two, above, surprised me; I had thought they were Catholic, I thought I recalled reading in "The Anti Humans" by Dimituru Bacu, that The Iron Guard was Catholic. Perhaps not.
ALL nations who attacked Germany were ruled by Protestant or Atheist Presidents who were puppets of jewry.

—Written by me, Hase, and posted to a few facebook sites in 2017

Brief, informative, thrilling video about The Crusades. Turn your volume up!

Another evocative video

"We have blackened the Catholic Church, attributing to her the wrongs of her enemies; turning her Clergy into objects of hatred; we have caused the practice of the Catholic religion to be considered out of date and a waste of time."

The Miracle of Fatima

One of nearly infinite sources of evidence regarding the ancient siege against The Catholic Church may be found in old French Tome, "The Devil in the 19th Century." Jews claim it is a hoax, LOL. It reads:

"The destruction of Catholicism cannot be accomplished all at once, and erecting (anti) Catholicism requires a lot of labour, which should be pursued simultaneously, so that, when the temple of (Catholicism), undermined on all sides, is ready to collapse in total ruin, the same impulse that annihilates will discover the (Luciferian) temple properly prepared in the eyes of mankind. God-King Lucifer will have the whole world consecrated and worshiping him.

...especially, the neutrality of the public schools must be secured so that it is no longer pervaded by priests, nor any of their agents; then, we divert any thoughts the parents may have to (educate their children outside those schools).

...In any case and in all circumstances, we must create a vacuum around the Roman Catholic priest, and it is also necessary that the clergy, after becoming more and more despised, hated, and scorned, be diminished in number, and to stop at nothing to obtain this result.

...It should become the habitual public opinion of Italy to regard as a dangerous embarrassment the presence of the Pope in their country.

...When public opinion is ripe to accept the Pope’s expulsion passed by a parliament comprised of a Masonic majority, we should propose ... etc., etc., etc."

Come back and read the longer version later.

The real reason Nagasaki was chosen was because it was the nucleus for Catholicism in Japan (and Asia).
"The massive Cathedral – one of only two Nagasaki landmarks that could be positively identified from 31,000 feet up – became Ground Zero. At 11:02 a.m., during Thursday morning confessions, an unknown number of Nagasaki Christians were boiled, evaporated, carbonized or otherwise disappeared in a scorching, radioactive fireball that exploded 500 meters above the cathedral." (Full story)

The Catholic Church's policy of monogamy leads to large families in which children can grow up to be mentally healthy.  The Church's opposition to contraception and homosexuality led to the highest possible birth rates; and birthrates = survival.


History indicates Catholicism forges a better breed of man (and woman). For the past 1500 years, the leaders who defended Europe were almost exclusively Catholic.

(Apr 9, 2021) And regarding America, no President was a stronger foe of evil than John F. Kennedy who was, of course, a Catholic. America never had a Catholic as President before or after him.

(Nov 4, 2019)  Another strong case for Catholicism is that it is a Monarchy.  And while we may have a shitty Pope now (Francis), when a great Pope does arise, he has the power to effect immediate, drastic, and world-wide action.  Jews despise Monarchy for this very reason.  Such swift action is simply not possible under Orthodoxy and no unified action whatsoever is possible under Protestantism.

(Oct 22, 2020) Like many well-researched Catholics, I once decried Vatican 2. But, in 2018 I had a revelation. Is it part of a 150 year plot by The Church to trick the enemy into revealing themselves? An enemy who had, by the 19th century defeated all the Catholic Monarchs of Europe (except The Pope, the last Monarch). A 150 year "accelerationist" plot to alert the goy while there still exists enough sons of Europe to stop them. Are the Vatican Councils linked and were they preplanned:

Videos of Hitler's own words

From "The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2, Part 13" by Dennis Wise

Found this March 24, 2021.

Found this April 9, 2021. Today (8/8/2021) I decided to check if the quote below was in Mein Kampf. No it isn't, but according to this page and this page and this page, and others, Hitler said it in a speech on April 12, 1922. (SOURCE: Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

Found this March 31, 2020

[July 4, 2019.]  In addition to Genghis Kahn and Attila the Hun; there have so far been two major scourges against Europe.  The first scourge being the semitic invasions from 711 AD to 1462; repelled by The Crusades as well as Catholic leaders like Vlad.

The second being the Slavic empire which had been usurped by atheist jews and forced to attack Europe, 1941.  Note the image at right depicting a Soviet soldier destroying Chrisitian European nations.  Also, regarding Communism, you can hear H_itler's own description of what he observed in the video at right, describing it as "a single arms factory existing at the expense of its people and directed against Europe."  Futhermore, in the second video at right, he elaborates upon the two extremes of Capitalism and Communism both working against the peoples' interest.  The Slavic scourge, like the first, was repelled by mostly Catholic leaders, and a few Orthodox.

The third scourge is coming, I'm convinced, from China; which has since 1947 been an atheist, communist country.  As for the Mongols, themselves, I'm reminded of that video I saw in 2017 showing several Chinese using an industrial blowtorch on a living German Sheperherd who took much longer to die than you might think.  Also remember the words of Revilo P. Oliver who said, "You may search the vast literature of China in vain for any trace of compassion for suffering."